Category: All about Mold

Where Does Mold Come From?

Mold, simply, comes from moisture, but it can be much more complicated than that. Molds are fungi, meaning they are organisms incapable of creating their own food supply. This means that molds form atop a host, and because molds thrive in moisture, they commonly form in soils, atop food sources, in areas of increased hydration […]

What Is Mold?

What Is Mold? mold

We have all heard about mold, have seen mold, and have more than likely have found some kind of mold inside of our homes. But what actually is this substance we know as mold? For starters, mold is a type of fungus. Also commonly known as “mould,” this term is ascribed to fungi that have […]

What Are The Side Effect of Mold?

What Are The Side Effect of Mold? can-mold-make-you-and-your-family-sick

Intro – Mold what ? Mold is a common household fungus that releases spores into your air and can be increasingly dangerous among homes with poor ventilation or homes that receive an excess amount of moisture. While we interact with mold every time we step outside, it has been showing through scientific research that mold […]

Can Mold Make You and Your Family Sick?

Can Mold Make You and Your Family Sick? can-mold-make-you-and-your-family-sick

Mold has evolved as something of a buzzword for modern homeowners, tenants, and really anyone who has lived inside a home. You say “mold,” there is going to be a reaction from someone who shares your living space. But the question reigns: Can mold actually make you and your family sick? The short answer, unfortunately, […]

Can Mold Come Back After Remediation?

Can Mold Come Back After Remediation? Mold Remediation

So your home has been afflicted with mold, and you’ve called in a specialist to fix your fungal problems. However, the question bears: Can the mold come back? That answer, like many surrounding the fungal organism known as mold, has varying degrees of right and wrong answers. For starters, the determination of returning mold after […]

Side Effects of Mold

Side Effects of Mold mold health

Mold, a common household fungus, has a variety of side effects that can affect both you and your family. Some of the most common of these side effects include watery, itching, and red eyes, wheezing, sneezing, coughing, a runny nose, and skin rashes.  However, side effects from mold can only get more serious from there. […]